
Sunday, April 14, 2024

    On 4-14-24, the Washington Post penned an article of: "New Yorkers weigh in on whether they could be impartial jurors in Trump trial", and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

"Truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It consists of an opinion held by a fragile majority who believes they can whip the other side."

Heard in the graduation speech by a student body president of a liberal arts college during the Vietnam war years. It has stuck with me all this time because it helps to explain why people who believe in what they consider their truth are sometimes unmoved by reasons of fact.

It also explains the conduct of attorneys who have a professional objective to represent the truth of their client, even as it may or may not be the stuff of facts. And why our system of courtroom justice seems to reward those able to finance a defense in the most exorbitant attack on the absurd.

This was proven by the OJ Simpson trial and has now become the mainstay of our political theater as well. Even more so when you consider that even news has now become a marketable commodity instead of the right for our freedom to public knowledge.

And that is what my eye beholds.

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