
Sunday, March 24, 2024

     On 3-24-24, the Washington Post penned an Analysis, "Biden vs. Trump is both static and unstable. What could change things?"  And on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

I believe the country's electorate is badly in need of a reality check.

Let's see, people affected by higher grocery prices are blaming the current political administration while the cause is higher middle-man transportation costs, and the higher costs claimed by package, distribution and store pricing which is resulting in those pass-along costs resulting in record revenue gains by grocery mega companies.

People affected by higher gas prices again blame the current administration when total control of that pricing remains in the unchallenged hands of the mega oil industry companies. Who are enjoying their very highest revenue gains.

Then they blame higher interest rates for mortgage loans on the current administration when the fact is the real estate market is an artificially driven marketing industry where emphasis on attractiveness of the product determines how much the market can be convinced to pay while the mortgage holding banks are enjoying record revenue reports and could care less about the struggles of their customers. Meanwhile the record profits for rental properties are lining the pockets of unregulated landlords (usually holding companies) who have little regard for naught but their profits.

And by the way, nobody is talking about the huge surge of Sur Tax increases being levied by local governments to shore up revenues for home-grown pet projects. Sur Taxes being the new way to circumvent voter endorsed standard tax increases. Maybe you need to think more about just who is in charge for those higher costs of living and rely less on political talking points, eh?

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