
Sunday, March 31, 2024

     On 3-31-24, the Washington Post penned an Opinion by Jennifer Rubin that: "The recommendation of Eastman’s disbarment is a big deal — for Trump", and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

Still, disbarment is a mere slap on the wrist when you consider the criminal intent that Eastman's opinions represented. They literally empowered the acts of insurrection at the Capital. Eastman's opinions literally staged the chaos that resulted in the loss of human lives and the destruction of federal property.

These were not actions of citizen protest. Rather they were crafted attempts to interfere with a lawful governmental function by mob actions that intended threats and use of physical restraints.

And the greatest criminal action of all? That the elected President, the elected administrator of all governmental agencies charged with preservation of lawful process on Federal lands, did nothing. That's right, he watched the process from relative safety and ignored advice, nay, he ignored his own ability of common sense to resolve the very crisis he (and Eastman) created. Sad indeed that his omissions of responsibility are not being considered for the cowardness they represent.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

     On 3-26-24, the Washington Post penned an article of, "Federal officials say 20 have been charged for threatening election workers", and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

To effect punishment on these low-hanging members of cult-like actions to deny and impede the legitimate election process, by their use of threating and intimidating messages is necessary and worthy.

But the fact of the matter is these citizens assumed an empowerment for their actions by the conduct and words of Trump who expressed himself in a leadership role. The defeated President actively promoted the need for assistance for his victimized removal that just couldn't happen without conspirator actions by unnamed sources. And the rest of that story was made up in the minds of delusional supporters.

Yes, justice demands not just prosecution for the effect of his lies, but for the effects brought on by Trump's words.

Monday, March 25, 2024

     On 3-25-24, the Washington Post penned an article that: "Trump reels from competing court decisions as trials disrupt campaign", and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

: “I would have no problem testifying. I didn’t do anything wrong." (Was reported to have been said by Trump in the article.)

Yet Trump remains the reason for trial delays and time and again has refused to answer charges in interview, in court, or in Congressional committee hearings and Impeachment proceedings with testimony nor evidence. Hardly the stuff of an innocent, eh?

Sunday, March 24, 2024

     On 3-24-24, an Opinion by Jennifer Rubin was penned by the Washington Post that said: "Other than Trump, virtually no one was doing better four years ago", and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus: 
"Trump is a Charlatan".

There, it's my bumper sticker for the campaign season. Kind of says it all.

     On 3-24-24, the Washington Post penned an Analysis, "Biden vs. Trump is both static and unstable. What could change things?"  And on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

I believe the country's electorate is badly in need of a reality check.

Let's see, people affected by higher grocery prices are blaming the current political administration while the cause is higher middle-man transportation costs, and the higher costs claimed by package, distribution and store pricing which is resulting in those pass-along costs resulting in record revenue gains by grocery mega companies.

People affected by higher gas prices again blame the current administration when total control of that pricing remains in the unchallenged hands of the mega oil industry companies. Who are enjoying their very highest revenue gains.

Then they blame higher interest rates for mortgage loans on the current administration when the fact is the real estate market is an artificially driven marketing industry where emphasis on attractiveness of the product determines how much the market can be convinced to pay while the mortgage holding banks are enjoying record revenue reports and could care less about the struggles of their customers. Meanwhile the record profits for rental properties are lining the pockets of unregulated landlords (usually holding companies) who have little regard for naught but their profits.

And by the way, nobody is talking about the huge surge of Sur Tax increases being levied by local governments to shore up revenues for home-grown pet projects. Sur Taxes being the new way to circumvent voter endorsed standard tax increases. Maybe you need to think more about just who is in charge for those higher costs of living and rely less on political talking points, eh?

Thursday, March 21, 2024

     On 3-21-24, the Washington Post penned an Opinion by Jennifer Rubin: "New York judge’s ruling on evidence couldn’t have gone worse for Trump", and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

...“admissions against interests", (defining those statements of Trump that were being sought for exclusion from trial consideration said the article).

Trump the braggard has just admitted, (via his attorneys), that because of his immature mind he should not be held liable for saying incriminating things.

I'm sorry, but doesn't that really serve a useful purpose? Like believe me, this absolutely confirms the man cannot make intellectually common-sense judgements about things that matter. Kind of explains his total failure record in every business except collecting rent payments. Kind of explains his failure record as a humane social character. And kind of explains why he has no virtues that make him presidential material.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

     On 3-15-24, the Washington Post penned an article that: "Pence says he will not endorse Trump in 2024", and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

"During his campaign announcement in June, Pence excoriated, (for you MAGA folks, that means condemn in the strongest terms), the former president for his actions during the Jan. 6 attack and his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss. At the time, Pence declared: “Anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States and anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again.”

There you have it folks. Vice President Pence has more governmental experience than Trump, has more moral principles, and certainly more ethical character than Trump. Pay attention because a professional politician has just told you Trump lacks the professional acumen. (for you MAGA folks, that means he lacks good judgement and common sense), to be a governmental administrator, and more importantly, lacks the standards of human honesty and a caring attitude for those he would govern.

For gawd's sake, get a clue. The man's an idiot disguised as a flim-flam carnival barker.

Friday, March 15, 2024

     On 3-14-24, the Washington Post penned an article on "Her trafficking story became political theater. It ‘isn’t a game,’ she says", says Senator Katie Britt of Alabama offering the Republican answer to President Biden's State of the Union speech, and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

Britt’s office did not address questions about Jacinto’s case Wednesday night, instead criticizing Biden’s immigration policies. In a previous statement, Britt’s communications director told The Post that “the story Senator Britt told was 100% correct.” (Quoted from the article)

These are the actions and words from a political party's attempts at legitimizing an extreme movement within, (the MAGA cult who truly are the real RINO's, Republicans in name only), in order to promote candidates who are politicians of dubious character and incapable of stand-alone competency.

     On 3-12-24, the Washington Post penned an article of "Five takeaways from Hur special counsel hearing", and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

I agree. He handled the first impeachment of Trump in a competent and dignified manner. Congressman Schiff has been one of the few adults in the room that bespeaks confidence in those who administer our government. He deserves our respect.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

     On 3-6-24, the Washington Post penned an article that: "Trump asks for GOP unity, facing fractures and legal, financial troubles", and on the date the Enlighted Prisoner responded thus: 

Trump calls for unity (and money) to support his current talking points? And the media considers that as campaign issues? My gawd, where's the writings about the 4 years Trump had as our government's administrator? Where's the reports on his micro-managed errors and omissions, or the incompetent selfish and greedy people he surrounded himself with while ignoring or disposing of the adults in the room? And why would anyone need a verdict on charges for that performance when Trump's very behavior was evidence enough of conduct for the stuff that makes up third-world dictators?

Wake up folks, Trump never was and never will be Presidential material. He's a crass narcissist with a sixth-grade mentality and an immoral compass.

     On 3-6-24, Seattle Time's columnist Danny Westneat penned: "Hey Democrats, you’re losing and can’t afford to be ‘uncommitted’, and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus: 

The problem in our political system is the money is all being spent on calling out those issues at present. Why is the media also falling into that same frame of mind? Why isn't the media recalling the history of Trump's 4 years of administrative control in our country's government? My gawd, the issues of his micro-management errors, omissions, and the incompetence of those he surrounded himself with while ignoring the advice and discarding the adults in the room needs telling. Awaiting a verdict on present charges? When his history is full of the behavior stuff identified as belonging to a third-world dictator?

Monday, March 4, 2024

     On 3-4-24, the Washington Post penned an article on, "Supreme Court ruling darkens critics’ hopes for a judicial curb on Trump", and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

So far in civil court, (a recognized court of conviction for criminal activity outside of the criminal justice system), defeated former president Donald Trump has been declared guilty for Sexual Assault and Defamation of Character of E. Jean Carroll, and in a New York civil court for Business Fraud and false misrepresentation, (statements of voice and record fraudulent actions), then ordered to discontinue his "shady" business dealings in New York state.

And yet, a conviction of criminal court charges is deemed necessary to discredit his credentials to run for an office of unlimited access for the authority to be the administrative head of our government and have access to the secrets of our country's political and military operations? Are you serious?

And yet there remains an element of our electorate, (and members of an organized US political party), that is willing to ignore the fact that Donald Trump is little but a dishonest, lying, manipulative example of social dysfunctional behavior that deserves our utter disrespect as a responsible US citizen. Much less as a candidate for the highest office in our political system.

     On 3-4-2024, the Washington Post penned an Opinion by Fredrick Kunkle, "I’m glad I had a gun. I’m even happier I didn’t use it on an intruder", and on that date the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus: 

The very real sincerity of Mr. Fredrick Kunkle's actual body and mind reactions to this real-time situation is a masterpiece of writing, and the true reflections of a normal human being.

Literally, it puts to shame those professed offerings of script writers that create such false scenarios for creating excitement and bravado for the illusions evident in our entertainment industry. Yes, the kind of influences that create all the wrong decisions made by those in our impressionable society.

And you need only assess the comments listed here to confirm that.