
Saturday, December 17, 2022

 Father of Highland Park shooting suspect charged with reckless conduct wrote WAPO, and on 12-17-22, the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

y quit with just parents? Why not go after the block-headed administration of the National Rifle Association? You know, the ones who promote manufacturing and sales of US made firearms with naught but people killing capacities. All in the name of arming a "well organized militia".

Well, that "well organized militia" appears to be disenfranchised young white men with the cowardly ambition of attacking the soft targets of our youth and their instructors at school campus settings, or churches, or retail shopping markets, or community parades, concert events, and night clubs.

While a significant portion of our population shows a detached indifference to making rules to correct the shame of this national problem. Sad indeed.

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