
Wednesday, August 24, 2022


Justice Dept. releases 2019 memo on rationale for not charging Trump with obstruction.  A WAPO article and on 8-24-22, the Enlightened Prisoner commented thus:
I took the time to download and read the Muller Report. With an investigative background, the nuances of the report were conclusive to me that there were efforts by Trump's campaign minions to engage and encourage Russian military intelligence cyber agents to interfere in our National Presidential election on behalf of Trump. Trump's guilt? Are you aware of any business he was not a fully hands-on manager? And he refused to be interviewed.

Then, after the Muller investigation charged and convicted several of those campaign minions, Trump pardoned them. And don't forget, the Muller Investigation was so well conducted that there's still outstanding federal warrants for the arrest of several Russian citizens who are suspected of those cyber interferences in the election. There are no extradition agreements with Russia.

The tragedy of all this skullduggery is that the Muller Report was adequate and would give a concerned Congress every right to declare the election of Trump null and void. There's not enough shame to cover Trump and his cohorts for the crimes they have committed against this country and the malfeasance and abuse of the exalted position he occupied.

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