
Saturday, August 13, 2022

 Documents show how Trump landed Lincoln Memorial for Fox News event, and on 8-13-22, the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

"A spokesman for the Secret Service declined to comment. A Trump spokesman did not respond to requests for comment." (WAPO article) 

Trump's 45th legacy: The most un-transparent and non-accountable Administration in the history of our nation. What went on behind their closed doors is a national disgrace. Unchallenged lies, misuse of office authority, disregard for the norms and protocol for position requirements, outlandish theft and misuse of government funds and services for non-official purposes, language, purpose, and attitudes that are entirely contrary to the Presidential duties and responsibilities of our trusted respect for the US Constitution and its elected officials.

If your continued support for this miscreant fool is a matter of personal pride, then you've naught but a disrespect for the values of your country and deserve the shame of your convictions.

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