
Sunday, August 28, 2022

 Opinion | The coming storm: America is not ready for a future pandemic, a Washington Post Editorial Board article and on 8-27-22, the Enlightened Prisoner commented thus:

How unfortunate that the Post's Editorial Board is so unaware of our history. The Administration of President Obama did in fact create an emergency plan to deal with a pandemic. It was an initial look at the matter and when the incompetent Administration of Trump came it was passed along for more study and fine tuning. I understand it found little interest and somehow was disregarded and, I don't know, maybe it was flushed. Or so the story goes.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


Justice Dept. releases 2019 memo on rationale for not charging Trump with obstruction.  A WAPO article and on 8-24-22, the Enlightened Prisoner commented thus:
I took the time to download and read the Muller Report. With an investigative background, the nuances of the report were conclusive to me that there were efforts by Trump's campaign minions to engage and encourage Russian military intelligence cyber agents to interfere in our National Presidential election on behalf of Trump. Trump's guilt? Are you aware of any business he was not a fully hands-on manager? And he refused to be interviewed.

Then, after the Muller investigation charged and convicted several of those campaign minions, Trump pardoned them. And don't forget, the Muller Investigation was so well conducted that there's still outstanding federal warrants for the arrest of several Russian citizens who are suspected of those cyber interferences in the election. There are no extradition agreements with Russia.

The tragedy of all this skullduggery is that the Muller Report was adequate and would give a concerned Congress every right to declare the election of Trump null and void. There's not enough shame to cover Trump and his cohorts for the crimes they have committed against this country and the malfeasance and abuse of the exalted position he occupied.

 WAPO Perspective: GOP attacks go beyond FBI and elections to delegitimize government, and on 8-24-22, the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

Those of us who give thought to the Republican MAGA cult's strategy of delegitimizing our federal government agencies based on hyperbole accusations of misstated and unsupported source material are convinced it is done for a nefarious cause and effect.

Why else would they make such outlandish claims without benefit of standing for cross-examination nor proposed remedy. Instead, they melt away and let an inflamed public acerbate their virulent rhetoric.

Citizens beware and neither serve nor favor those who ask for your loyalty before trust.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

 Beto O’Rourke’s risky quest for votes in deep-red Texas and on 8-21-22, the Enlighted Prisoner commented thus:

There's a world of new thoughtful and compassionate politicians out there waiting for discovery. The media just needs to get off this merry-go-round of thinking there's some entertainment value in revisiting the leftovers from that last failed administration we voted off the island for good reason.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

 On 8-20-22, the Enlightened Prisoner said thus:

"Do not serve nor please an unprincipled man who asks for loyalty before trust." 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

 Documents show how Trump landed Lincoln Memorial for Fox News event, and on 8-13-22, the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

"A spokesman for the Secret Service declined to comment. A Trump spokesman did not respond to requests for comment." (WAPO article) 

Trump's 45th legacy: The most un-transparent and non-accountable Administration in the history of our nation. What went on behind their closed doors is a national disgrace. Unchallenged lies, misuse of office authority, disregard for the norms and protocol for position requirements, outlandish theft and misuse of government funds and services for non-official purposes, language, purpose, and attitudes that are entirely contrary to the Presidential duties and responsibilities of our trusted respect for the US Constitution and its elected officials.

If your continued support for this miscreant fool is a matter of personal pride, then you've naught but a disrespect for the values of your country and deserve the shame of your convictions.

 Analysis | 2 illuminating exchanges from the House GOP on the Trump search, and on 8-10-22, the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

The MAGA controlling Republicans are unhinged, clueless, and a total clutter of get-me-to-a-mic, quick. They seem only capable of speak and incapable of hearing. I wonder if they even realize how un-American they really sound?

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

 Top Republicans join Trump’s evidence-less claims to discredit FBI search, and on 8-9-22, the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

House Minority Leader McCarthy has truly proven himself as little but a Trump strap-holding mutt with little less political skill than a Brothel Madam promoting her product.

 Opinion | Why does the IRS need $80 billion? Just look at its cafeteria.  And on 8-9-22, the Enlightened Prisoner responded thus:

Just think how much of the IRS problem could be solved with a single tax rate for all with only child and medical deductions. And give me no crap about punishing the poor, it would not. That's just a talking point that comes from all the potential out of work attorneys and accountants.

 Analysis | Donald Trump has been preparing for this moment for a long time and on 8-9-22, the Enlightened Prisoner commented thus: 

The idea that Trump accused the FBI of being politically motivated? There's been instances of the J Edgar Hoover era to somewhat support that but tell me a US government Agency that doesn't have to play silly D.C. politics to stay in enough favor to operate. And besides, the political games played and abuse of office by the Trump Administration Secretarial appointments and his inter staff minions were some of the most atrocious in Washington D.C. history. About all this proves is Trump is a capable deflector but hardy an honest man.

Monday, August 8, 2022

 Opinion | Distinguished persons of the week: Justice, Justice, shall you pursue, and on 8-8-22, the Enlightened Prisoner commented thus:

In the last paragraph of James Q. Wilson's book "Thinking About Crime", he wrote thus:

"Wicked people exist. Nothing avails except to set them apart from innocent people. And many people, neither wicked nor innocent, but watchful, dissembling, and calculating of their opportunities, ponder our reaction to wickedness as a cue to what they might profitably do. We have trifled with the wicked, made sport of the innocent, and encouraged the calculators. Justice suffers, and so do we all."

I believe our country is at a crossroad of giving dignity back to our sense of community, security, and justice. All it takes is for a few good people to no longer remain silent. Liz Cheney has started down that path and deserves our respect and the inspiration it represents. Come on US of A, you can do this.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

 Sandy Hook lawyers say Alex Jones’s attorneys accidentally gave them his phone contents and the Enlightened Prisoner commented thus on 8-4-22:

Alex Jones is a textbook example of how our society values are being corrupted. Constant lies and misinformation that goes unchallenged because we make FCC rules that ignore the need for news information to be authenticated or judged fair before being allowed on public broadcast outlets. We hear a public clamor for all points of view to be heard but fail to hold those views to a standard of fairness and truth. And that's exactly how the propaganda machine of the Nazi regime put the entire societies of the world in a death and destruction mode. Alas, when are a few good people going to step up and right these wrongs when the lessons of history are so obvious?