
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

 80 looters simultaneously broke into a Nordstrom near San Francisco, police say: ‘Clearly a planned event’ (On 11-22-21 the Enlightened Prisoner commented thus)

Let's not associate criminal opportunists with any alignment for political party or social cause.  They are unto themselves a lazy, ignorant, and militaristic body of detached citizens who prey on others because they lack a moral work ethic.  They draw on an oxygen supply they've neither earned nor deserve. 

And, recall also, those that occupy exalted positions in business and government with the same motivation to prey on others in more lofty ways for their self-serving monetary and power position gains. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

 Many are the times in our country's history when political correctness meant divorcing yourself from the unhinged policies offered by either of the organized parties.  This is one of those times.  The difficulty becomes finding a place to put your money where it'll have the most impact for your voice.  Quality leadership for selection of your "ship-of-state" cause is a difficult thing to find when the media's occupied with chasing those who make little but headline grabbing pronouncements of negative about others, and little of their own credentials, while promoting media profits. But it serves little purpose for the education of the electorate.  Sad.  (Enlightened Prisoner comment of 11-21-21) 

Friday, November 12, 2021

 Kyle Rittenhouse is nothing more than a silly mutt.  Without a weapon he would have been completely ignored and by-passed by the crowd.  He came with an attitude of wanting attention and when he got it couldn't deal with it.  His provocation of the situation makes him guilty of causing the outcome.  This trial has clearly demonstrated what happens when you put a weapon in the hands of an unregulated militia.  If it's an undeclared war, then it's murder.  (Comment by the Enlightened Prison on the trial of Rittenhouse 11-10-21) 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

 Education has always been about the discovery of things you didn't know about before.  Taking that information and turning it into opinion or conclusive action is determined by what you are and how you want to see and impact the world.  For an outsider to try and control your exposure in order to think like them is little more than a violation of your space.  They deserve your shame.  (Enlightened Prisoner comment on article describing how Texas Governor Abbott was going to ban and destroy certain School Library books he considered pornographic. 11-10-21)

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

 So again the evidence just continues to mount and those who have the capacity to affect justice seem to be in limbo?    

"If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us" Francis Bacon

(Enlightened Prisoner comment of 11-3-21 on Washington Post story about evidence that Trump staff gathered at a Washington DC hotel as a command center for efforts to overturn the 2020 election) 

Monday, November 1, 2021

 One term, vote-defeated, guilty as anyone has ever been, our 45th, the absolute worst example of administrative leadership in our history, and a liar to boot.  Morally corrupt and a scam artist for paying his fair share of taxes.  And now we find he sought to overthrown our legal process for the smooth exchange of office for no other reason than his bruised ego.  What a idiot.  And what an Un-American attitude.  (Enlightened Prisoner comment of 10-31-21)