
Monday, September 20, 2021

 This is just an amazing development.  The current Republican leadership cadre will issue statements that speculate on the fault of Democrat's legislative actions, but remain silent on the totally confirmed lies being told by their own members.  If the motive of that kind of behavior isn't obvious, you need to take another look at your sense of values.  You're in a corner with a bunch of dishonest people.  And, if you're continuing to vote them into office you're prolonging the problem, not offering a fix.  (Enlightened Prisoner comment of 9-20-21) 

Saturday, September 18, 2021

 It's becoming obvious that the Republican party has no function in our government any longer.  They spent 4 years of Trump time looking the other direction in matters of reckless and irresponsible expenditures, and now have not found a way to reduce government's debt, only a device to cause political hatred for the nation's second political party.  A party that is legalized by the Constitution as a partner in providing for "We the People".  They're membership has become naught but a self-serving cancer on our nation's domestic tranquility.  (Enlightened Prisoner comment 9-18-21)

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

 But the critical point being offered by elected Republicans is that the public should feel no confidence in their present government.  

Please take note, this is the same critical point that Communist governments trying to undermine and compromise democratic governments constantly promote.  And this is coming from USA elected Congressional representatives of only one of our two political parties.  

I believe it's time to hold these elected officials up to the actual standards they are promoting and ask them the critical question of WHY? 
(Comment by the Enlightened Prisoner on 9-13-21)

Sunday, September 12, 2021

 I'm sure the FBI's entire investigative documentation has been properly edited to show how effective conclusions could not be reached by the agency who has the charter for detection and prevention of threats to our internal security that the 911 attack represented.  But then, what else to expect from an agency who's primary recruitment is directed at the legal community.   

The Ad-hoc Committee that did the 911 after analysis identified a major deficiency.  That our intelligence community's designated leaderships, (if you look you'll find the number of them staggering), seldom do little to project or cooperate outside their own turf.  But, the Committee fell short on determining why this was, and still is.  But hey, their analysis resulted in creation of the Department of Homeland Security, right?  Still another government bureaucracy of immense size and wealth of funding for dealing with internal threats.

So, how effective have they administered their charter?   Couldn't head off or prevent a rag-tag bunch of rioters from storming the Halls of Congress with an avowed mission to prevent a shame to the bruised ego of their dismissed idol?  But then, go right ahead with your own sugar-coated version.  After all, there's many of our elected Congressional representatives still suffering from political cowardice.  
(Comment by the Enlightened Prisoner on 9-12-21)

 When you accept that a tax-supported agency has the absolute right to withhold a record of its activities from disclosure, (in this case the FBI), you've entered the portal of denial for freedom being a right, but rather a choice best left to others.

When you realize that the demagoguery activities of J. Edgar Hover were an appeal to the prejudices and desires of dark minds that were lacking the ability to reason fairly, you must realize the threat that represents to our concept of either everybody matters or nobody matters.   

And, if you find no fault with thinking that it's better to treat some citizens differently because of their life style or political beliefs, does that represent you or are you just being a good tribe member?  (Enlightened Prisoner comment of 9-4-21)

 The socially unfit have always been attracted to the institution of politics.  It's an atmosphere of power and influence where swagger and charisma attract those of weak social skills and needy of attention.  Then, to make matters worst, they employ little method for vetting undesirables so long as they create theatre and can produce contributions for unrestricted use to foster and further the power base. 

Trump is the perfect example of a candidate created by media influence who has scant qualification, dreadful moral judgement skills, has a passive apathy for reason and logic, and seems to specialize in little but unsophisticated provocation.  While those traits fall short of being criminally offensive, they are certain disqualifiers for one seeking an office of public service.

And yet?  (Enlightened Prisoner comment of 9-8-21)