
Saturday, February 27, 2021

 I don't know who's doing this but I can tell you this much.  I've never been so embarrassed for my fellow citizens as has occurred these past months since the mouth of that idiot Trump has sounded off.  His phony calls for a nationalized attitude are so hollow and misaligned for anything I grew up with in respect for a World War that rid us of another phony tyrant are just inexcusable.  

How he entrances is easy to explain.  We have those in our society that want to distrust because they must lack an ability to see for themselves and must be led.  Get a clue folks, Trump is a phony.  Always was, always will be, and has no redeeming traits of character that deserve our respect. (Comment of the Enlightened Prisoner 2-26-21) 

 The Josh Hawley's of our world remind us how our standards for Congressional governance qualification have lowered to the point of voted malfeasance.  (Comment of the Enlightened Prisoner 2-25-21) 

 And once again our judicial branch of government in this country is proving its worth over our spineless elected Congressional representatives who hide behind the skirts of an Administrative Branch committed to a dialog of hate, misinformation, and a cowards way.  God save our Democratic Republic from the Trump reign of tyranny. (Comment of the Enlightened Prisoner 2-24-21)

Sunday, February 14, 2021


Senator Murray deserves our respect and apologies for the frightful treatment she received at the hands of the Trump-induced mob of insurrectionists while performing her public servant duties.  Since her election Senator Murray has been a steadfast supporter of legislative actions that benefit our military, (and their families), and has shown remarkable skills as a bi-partisan chamber member that works to promote fiscally responsible budgetary legislation.  

This Impeached Former President innocent of incitement behavior?  Nay, his actions were a proven fact.  His corral of cowards just happened to be sufficiently stocked with t
he same people who were sworn to try the facts of this proceeding but, who chose to ignore them in favor of continuing Trump's manifesto of lies, misinformation, and totalitarian style of governance. 


The very Senators who swore to uphold and defend the US Constitution, not the man who has dishonored its noble traditions.  My Gawd, is there no shame in their wretched souls?

 The Trump dynasty was the result of a media blitz filled with manipulation and disinformation that happens when you have no rules in place to provide fact-checking or guardrails preventing interference from those with faulted agendas. 

We are electing Public Servants for God's sake and their opportunity to represent their qualifications and motives should not be the result of monetary superiority.  Let's find a way to return control for our governance put in the ability to hear directly from candidates, not those who dress them.  (Enlightened Prisoner comment 2-14-21)

Monday, February 8, 2021

 Today on Face The Nation, Senator Linsey Graham declared the House attempt to Impeach the President as not legal because Trump is no longer a siting President.  If he has committed crimes the House should not sit as a judicial court to judge that. 

How absurd he becomes when tribal politics are used in an attempt to hold harmless a President who has so offended the oath and obligations of his elected office.  Trump has done everything in his grimy power to avoid taking responsibility or being held accountable for his 4 years of misadventures. 

Trial by the People's House for his actions that have so cost the taxed revenues provided by those very People?  Damn you Senator Graham and any others who would try and thwart the People's right to address our grievances.    (Comment by the Enlightened Prisoner 2-7-21) 

Saturday, February 6, 2021


Having looked in on Fox News analysis, as well as The Federalist, and One American News, I can only report that as a rational and thoughtful member of our society their distortions of essential truth in news reporting is a direct cause of this nation's anguish and distrust. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

 So, was that January 6th assault on our Congressional enclave conducted by our "well-regulated" Militia historical?  Well, with Captain Bone Spurs in his self-appointed leadership role it went about as expected. 

The chaotic assault did nothing to influence the outcome ordered by the Captain. 
The chaos failed to produce a general upraising by the unimpressed and non-supportive public.
Many of the profound patriots were seen to commit acts of silly display, or commit assaults on non-combative targets like doors and windows.
No element of combative greatness surfaced that was sufficient for the 11 O'Clock news.
And, there was no statement offered by Capitan Bone Spurs that promoted any need for continued comic performance.  

Which is about how the entire silly, assault on doors and windows non-productive Administration of Trump was conducted.  Questions?   (Enlightened Prisoner comment of 2-3-21)