Nobody, yes nobody in our history has done more than President Donald J. Trump to cheapen the office to which he was fraudulently elected. The Muller Report revealed conclusively that many in the organization under the direct control of Trump were responsible for contact and encouragement of the Russia's military cyber intelligence network to conduct services that would be favorable to Trump's campaign and unfavorable to Secretary Clinton's. If you doubt this, be aware there are outstanding warrants for several Russian's alleged in the operations, and convictions, (resulting in Trump pardons for several), of his staff for false testimony and complicity.
The Senate's vote did not exonerate Trump, it merely said we put the matter outside the need for further consideration. Yes, that was the election that was influenced by a foreign government in violation of our Constitution, and should have been declared a fraud and rigged election.
Instead, we have an installed President who continues to tarnish the reputation of the office as only the deranged and amoral person he is, can. Sad. (The Enlightened Prisoner made this comment on 1-6-21)
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