
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Only an amoral personality like Donald J. Trump would have the audacity to pardon an American citizen who plead guilty to obstruction of a Federal Agency conducting an investigation of complicity with agents of a foreign government that have destructive designs on our country. 

Just let that roll around in your head for awhile folks. 

(Enlightened Prisoner WAPO Comment 11-25-20) 

Sunday, November 22, 2020


(Enlightened Prisoner essay of 11-22-2020)

There still appears to be two different camps of opinion on this pandemic.  Those that take it seriously, and those who don't.  

Those who take it seriously seem to have a desire to protect themselves and their fellow Americans from the consequences of the virus effects.  

Those who don't take it seriously seem to ascribe the virus as affecting social normalcy and therefore underserving of serious consideration because our tribal strength will overcome the threat.  

Now because our daily fabric of knowledge revolves around our social media network, (which you must recall has now become a for-profit industry), you must choose what's offered by those who would put their psyche above the consequences contained in the deception of personal opinion.  

And now my fellow citizens you have reached the conclusion of this essay.  Is your opinion your own or the result of that nastiest of American traits, the art of politics?    

Saturday, November 14, 2020


If this is some vain attempt for an attempted coup, (WAPO Story on the President challenge for the 2020 Presidential Election) I can't imagine any more fitting person than our President (to lead).  You know, the draft-dodging, lying, back-stabbing, can't put two sentences together without a cue card, finger-licking Tweet King, as the one in the leadership role.   

His regime to now has made more comic material than any before him.  And now, he seriously is sitting it out, avoiding an obligation to stand before the American public to answer the basic question, "What are you doing, and why?  

Let's face it folks, we're being played by a non-descript landlord from Queens who brought no governance skills to the table and has proven that inadequacy time and again.  So, you who choose to "have his back", be warned.  He is not what you think he is.  Never was, never will be.   (Comment WAPO 11-11-20)

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


There's nothing more dangerous to the security of our national interests than a deflated ego with an attitude.  Somebody needs to put a cloak over this sleeze-ball's head and not take it off until those civil and criminal courts march him off to incarceration for everything hanging over his head he's been able to put on hold for his Presidential immunity.  He's a walking fraud and a cowardly draft-dodging immature brat with a background and mental deficiencies that would deny him any type of government security clearance.  A national security threat?  You're damned right he is.   

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

(Enlightened Prisoner remark WAPO 11-8-20) 

 Ah yes, since the heady days of the campaign, to the inaugural speech, to the unresponsive press conferences, to the one-way tweets, to the unquestionable oval office presentations, and to, of course, the numerous political rally monologues, this President and his Administration have put forth naught but selfish, self-serving rants and falsehoods of blither and blame.  Never accountable and hardly transparent they now, (not asking in a respectful manner), but demand in the most inarticulate way an undeserved hearing for their most evident-lacking falsehood yet, "we were not given enough votes." 

Hm, have they forgotten that after enjoying almost a decade of total majority they were unable to accomplish little more than line the pockets of their financial base and tip the balance of judicial representation?  Oh yes, and all that by-passing of Congressional actions for the health and safety of our country and security of our international relations? 

Can't they realize their political agenda has just been dismissed in favor of a new approach?  Look at it this way Trump Administration, even if you lost by "45" votes, it's still amounts to you've been dismissed as a losing Administration.  Now, go away! 

Monday, November 2, 2020

 (Enlightened Prisoner on WAPO 11-1-20) 

Let's talk about that trade war with China and let's talk about US farm produce markets.  The Obama administration allowed (in fact encouraged) US farm product Co-Ops to do their own market promotion and deals with Chinese markets.  Not surprisingly, farm commodity market managers are pretty smart folks and did quite well in opening Chinese acceptance (and payments) for a lot of US farm produced products.  After all, we're one of the best farm product producers in the world.  

They along came the Trump criteria for how to market.  You first bully your own opinion on everything, then you curtail any market dealings that don't personally have your endorsed stamp of approval, and then you decide to put tariffs on things because it sounds tough.  Whoa, US farm product contracts grind to a halt.  The Chinese pull back from dealing with the Co-Ops and those farm market products sit in US warehouse storage trying to find new markets.

And, rather than apologize for being the idiot at the bargaining table, Trump approves (without Congressional endorsement) $28 Billion in tax-payer revenue to pacify the angry farmers for his snafu.   And you folks believe in Trump's ability to conduct business on behalf of this country?  Why the "Con from Queens" has a business failure record that has no equal and you look the other way?

But he has a very successful record at fakery and deflection.  Hardly Presidential traits.  Get him the hell out of there and let's get back to honesty in our governance.  Likethumb_up63