(Enlightened Prisoner remark WAPO 11-8-20)
Ah yes, since the heady days of the campaign, to the inaugural speech, to the unresponsive press conferences, to the one-way tweets, to the unquestionable oval office presentations, and to, of course, the numerous political rally monologues, this President and his Administration have put forth naught but selfish, self-serving rants and falsehoods of blither and blame. Never accountable and hardly transparent they now, (not asking in a respectful manner), but demand in the most inarticulate way an undeserved hearing for their most evident-lacking falsehood yet, "we were not given enough votes."
Hm, have they forgotten that after enjoying almost a decade of total majority they were unable to accomplish little more than line the pockets of their financial base and tip the balance of judicial representation? Oh yes, and all that by-passing of Congressional actions for the health and safety of our country and security of our international relations? Can't they realize their political agenda has just been dismissed in favor of a new approach? Look at it this way Trump Administration, even if you lost by "45" votes, it's still amounts to you've been dismissed as a losing Administration. Now, go away!