
Friday, September 18, 2020

 Fear the FBI Trump.  They investigate internal threats to our national security and the Muller Report has shown the evidence of an outside threat by a foreign government to the United States process of government. 

And you know the Russians conducted that threat with the knowledge and encouragement of the campaign organization that you managed, didn't they?  And don't forget, the bi-partisan Intelligence Committee of the US Senate completed a three-year study with a report that confirms the reasons and indictments behind the Muller Report of governmental interference are valid and applicable to your managed organization.

And by the way, the Impeachment charges are still legitimate charges of your malfeasance of office that could be taken up by an honest Attorney General with a demonstrated integrity we're not seeing in Barr.  Also an item of investigation by the FBI.   Yes, you fish-lipped dotard, the noose for your neck is being measured as we speak.    (Enlightened Prisoner 9-18-2020)

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