
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

European Youth Unemployment Rates

Every time I flip through a financial TV-show, the topic of greece and the european economy come up. All Greek, Spanish, and European government officials are obviously as competent as our government officials. 

I learned a fantastic amount of information about the European debt crisis on this NPR podcast episode of "this american life"

After listening to that, you'll get a real sinking feeling by looking at this chart. Immediately after our real estate crisis in 2008, the investment banks were in dire need of investments, so countries in europe had government bonds that were quickly swept up. So quickly that they offered more. When a government sells a bond, its the exact same as taking a loan from someone. Its pure debt. Since then you can see what's been happening! Kids aren't working. Their living with their parents, or living in debt.  

Monday, January 30, 2012

What wrong with our Country? Run it like a family!

Please take this article with a grain of salt. I'm not speaking in exact guidelines, but theories that could be applied to political governance. 

All problems with our government should be brought down to a level relatable to a family. 
The government shouldn't be giving ANY money(or any tax breaks) to the most wealthy companies. Just like parents shouldn't spoil children, a good parent teaches their child to be INDEPENDANT. Independant means ENTIRELY self sufficient.

Oil companies don't need tax breaks
GE doesn't need tax breaks
Lawyer don't need tax breaks
Google doesn't need tax breaks

Just like a parent giving an allowance for a child that does chores, the goverment should only give tax breaks to organizations that willfully exist for the betterment of the society within our country. Like non-profits, educational innovators, infrastructure builders, healthcare providers

On the opposite side of the spectrum, when a child does a good parent gives chores without allowance.  companies that have any negative effect on society should be slightly penalized(through a simple tax). I'm thinking tobacco companies(unhealthy), makers of deadly weapons, fast food companies(unhealthy), tanning salons(skin cancer), check cashing(misleading).

Most families provide necessities for the kids.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Good For People, Bad for Greed

During the great depression in the 1930's, a law was created to separate regular banks and investment banks. The law was called Glass/Steagall Act.

Regular Bank exists for the lower and middle class to have savings accounts and checking accounts and to create pure safety of societal economics.

Investment Banks exist for pure speculation and gambling on a massive large scale. You can go to vegas and bet on a football game. You can go to investment banks and bet on a company. Its the exact same.

In the 1930's, banks were taking people's savings, and investing in companies and real estate with pure greed in mind. It created a Bubble, where investments were being taken because an underlying assumption that they were safe. In reality they weren't and we got the great depression. So Glass-Steagall Act forced investment banks to be separate from regular banks.

In 1999 Glass-Steagall act was removed because of Greed. Why do Cars have brakes? You might say "to stop" but really its to slow down. With Capitalism we get innovation which is good for society, but we also have greed, which is very dangerous. Brakes are there to allow cars to slow down, and keep us in a

If you're too big to fail, you're too fucking big. You're fat and bloated like a 1200-pound American gorging himself on hamburgers and pizza. You don't need plastic surgery(legislation) you need education.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Taxing Job Creators and The 99%

Democrats and Liberals say: Stop taxing the 99%, We're poor.
Republicans says: Stop Taxing the Job Creators.

Sorry to the Die-Hard Republicans, but the 1% are the overly greedy profit mongers sending jobs over-seas in the name of massive profits. For example, Apple revenue for 2011 was $108-Billion with profits exceeding $25-Billion dollars. Couldn't they manufacture SOME products in the US, supporting the middle class? in reality the 99% are the job creators, not rich people. The 99% are the people who work for a living at giant companies, and realize they could do better for themselves. Starting a brewery or winery in your basement as a company should be easier for people. Thats the 99%.

Can you believe that at one time, federal income taxes NEVER existed? Seriously no income tax. Its possible again if you just understand some things.  If anyone should be taxed, it should only be the rich people. Imagine if only people making over $1million per year were taxed on the money OVER $1million? Everyone making UNDER $1million could pay no income tax. Obviously this isn't regressive, because if you're making 1million per year, you're not going to max-yourself out at that level.  Just that once they start making more, it goes to the federal/state/local communities. doesn't that sound really fucking awesome?

The only reason our tax system is the way it is, is because stupid politicians like Newt and Romney. Taking money to lobbyists, and then more money to congress. It should be illegal, with the same criminal consequences and Money Laundering and Treason. Yes! the moment a politician takes money from a company to promote their interests, they should be seen as highly damaging to society, and pursued for committing treason. Especially because of how easy it is to hide financial gifts from companies to people.

the goal is to provide a better life for people, as our lives get better, the definition MUST change. 

Its easily possible for everyone to have unlimited healthcare in our country.

Every company that causes harm to society should be forced to pay extra taxes. 

fast food companies should be taxed, it should pay for healthcare

cigarette companies should be taxed, it should pay for healthcare

alcohol producers should be highly taxed, it should pay for education

gun/weapon manufacturers should be highly taxed, it should pay for defense

energy companies should be highly taxed, it should pay for clean energy development

transportation should be taxed, and it should pay for clean energy

There is no reason for regular folks, that are healthy, happy, and unharmful to society to be paying taxes when there are massive drunks and and fat people causing most of the financial pain.

It all comes down to spending and revenue. If we don't need to spend, we shouldn't.
Its fucking stupid. Also by not taxing small companies, we have way more small businesses and wealthier middle class. 

How Should We Run Federal Education?

Federal Education is so broken, i want to gag. If you haven't seen Waiting for Superman already then please do yourself a favor. 

The real problem with education is the unions causing massive bureaucratic slowdowns, financial waste and poor results.


  1.  Kids are not broken, education is broken - If education got BETTER, kids would learn more, and we would have less hunger, less outsourcing, and less debt and anger in the world.
  2. Unions do nothing except waste money - They say that they're protecting teachers and protecting the youth, but its a ponzi scheme. do you remember Bernie Madoff? He told tons of people: "if you give me a ton of money, i'll make your life better".... then he spent it on houses and jewelry for his wife. The teachers union is the exact same. They say "TEACHERS... give us money and we'll protect your job and make it better" except they're just keeping the money for themselves, and stalling innovation in schools.
  3. Innovation In Schools Is Possible - When I talk about innovation in schools, i'm talking about teachers being better at helping students learn. I'm not talking about replacing teachers with robots, unless your child actually would learn better being taught by a robot. Doesn't that sound possible? Theres no reason to out-rule anything and we should let people decide for themselves. Think about how quickly facebook helped people connect with eachother... immediately it became easy to talk to any person you've ever talked to before in your life. You can see who's friends with who, married to who, who's got kids, YOU GET MY POINT THAT FACEBOOK HELPS US NETWORK? Technology can also EASILY help us EDUCATE. 
    1. Why do tests and learning have to be separated? Why can't we continually learn and test at the same time? For example, your english teacher should be grading your history and civics essays. They can use software to to automatically help them find the blatant errors and correct them. Then still let them re-read and fix. 
    2. Math is being taught as though were still living in the fifties. People live on computers, we don't need to learn long-division anymore because we don't have to do it. Back when we didn't have computers, we NEEDED to learn long division, right now we don't need to learn it.
    1. no more waste
    2. no more rejecting innovation
    3. no more unions because they exist for themselves and not students. 
If a politician is talking about more spending towards education, they're fucked up. 

If a politician isn't talking about getting rid of unions, they're fucking stupid. 

I'm Disgusted

People these days, republicans and democrats alike have their heads so far up their asses that i seriously want to punch anyone in the face when they start talking about politics.

The fact being that they both happen to be the mammoth groups that haven't innovated and clearly aren't existing for the betterment of the people. They're only here for themselves.

Keep reading for better discussion and explanation of how our government should be ran.

most people automatically think they know the answer, but truthfully they've decided because they've sided with a political party that is only self-serving. Siding with a political party is like purposely giving yourself a broken arm.