
Monday, February 8, 2010

Wall Streeters lack shame, intelligence

This needs to be spread through the news wire.

In Response To:
It’s not the dollar amounts themselves in the current debate over pay for Wall Street and banking-industry executives that people find so galling and that threaten to turn even the most hidebound laissez-faire capitalist into a pitchfork-waving, tar-and-feather-preparing populist.
OK, maybe it is a little bit. But by now we’re almost numb to inflated salaries with no connection to talent or performance, paid to bench-riding professional athletes or hack singers and actors or corporate chief executive officers who wreck their companies. We understand that people with the most dangerous, most essential or least pleasant jobs are also often the least compensated. Life is unfair. We get that.
And it’s not the element of greed evident in the complaints that Wall Streeters should not be subject to pay caps, limits or taxes on excessive compensation. We’re all greedheads – the question is a matter of degree. Greed is omnipresent. We get that too.

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