I cannot fathom a more expressive statement of naivety than to blame any perceived error of government on an organized political party. That's a little like blaming our national obesity problem on the people who manufacture sugar.
In response to this:
A budget crisis? This is a budget crisis of their own making. Gov. Chris Gregoire and her liberal friends and their extreme liberal ways of running state government have brought the state to this point.
I will give Gregoire credit for one thing; she beat President Obama for out-of-control spending. With spending exceeding all tax revenue projections, what hope did this state have of not running a deficit?
What about the last federal government bailout? Did Gregoire rein in spending? No, she used it to continue running the state as if next year, all would be OK.
Gregoire has now shown her true nature: spend, spend, spend, spend and spend. And what happened to her pledge of no new taxes?
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